COSMO-REA6 Regional Reanalysis

COSMO-REA6 Regional Reanalysis
The high-resolution reanalysis system COSMO-REA6 has been developed based on the NWP model COSMO in a cooperation between Hans-Ertel-Centre for Weather Research (HErZ) and the German Meteorological Service (DWD). Initially, COSMO-REA6 was produced for 1995-2014 at University of Bonn (, Hans-Ertel-Centre for Weather Research (HErZ), see It was extended from 2015 onwards by DWD.

The DWD provides selected COSMO-REA6 output under The data provided via ESGF and WDCC underwent an additional CMIP/CORDEX-like standardisation ("CMORisation"), conducted in a cooperation between DKRZ and DWD within the OcMOD (Observations closer to MOdel Data) NFDI4Earth Pilot, and also comprises a different selection of parameters that was determined through a community survey ( The CMORisation efforts within the NFDI4Earth Pilot were funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG - project number: 460036893).

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